Srividya Angara Sinha has performed in more than 300 shows across the world. She has had successful tours abroad and performed in prestigious dance festivals over the years. A glimpse of her body of work is below

An Odissi-Kuchipudi Jugalbandi concept that toured six cities (New York City (NY), Mitchellville (MD), Tallahassee (FL), Chapel Hill (North Carolina), Novato (CA) and Irvine (CA)) in USA in the Spring of 2017. Original score and choreography composed exclusively for the tour.
India Club, Lima, Ohio
Kuchipudi recital under the aegis of the India club, Lima, Ohio. At the Martha W. Farmer Performing Arts Theatre, May 2016.
Valley Telugu association, Los Angeles, CA
As part of the Ugadi celebrations under the aegis of Valley Telugu association, Los Angeles, CA, April 2016.
Festival of Cultures 2009 and 2010, Charlottesville
Asian American Festival ‘10, Richmond
Festival of India ‘10, Richmond
Norristown Dance Festival
First ever Kuchipudi dancer to perform at the Norristown Dance Festival,Pennsylvania. August, 2010.
27th Annual Choreographers’ Showcase (2009) at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Centre
Winner, 27th Annual Choreographers’ Showcase (2009) at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Centre, College Park, Maryland. This original choreography marked the debut of “Mel” – a retelling of the famous Draupadi VastrApaharanam (attempted disrobing of Draupadi) scene from the MahabhArata. Composed in Kuchipudi, and set to Beethoven’s 5th Symphony. MEL was the first Indian classical dance presentation to be staged at the Annual Choreographers’ Showcase.
‘Nrityamela’ -Jacksonville and Tallahassee, Florida
‘Featured artist’ –2010 ‘Nrityamela’- Indian classical dance festivals at Jacksonville and Tallahassee, Florida.